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Home Improvement Services came to be  out of pure necessity...almost.

Me and my wife had finally managed to fulfil our dream of purchasing a property. Now, I am not the kind of person who would let a tradesman work for me unless I can supervise, being nosy from start to finish.

so, we had to renovate the whole property and we were very tight with our budget.

I started utilising old-learned skills and renovating our property using days off and holidays as well as working up late, trying not to annoy our neighbours!

This was time consuming, but I was happy as I am a perfectionist by nature and I would rather take my time

in order to deliver excellent results.

Then, friends and neighbours saw my work and started putting requests for their own little projects.

My initial thought was that I have the tools, I love building, making and fixing things, so why not help others? Little projects became bigger as time went by and I was also going through a very tough period where I needed to make serious decisions about my full-time job.

Fearfully, I started dropping days to take up more handyman jobs and the satisfaction was immense. Nothing replaces the feeling that I get when customers are not only happy and satisfied but they also express their gratitude because the quality of my work has helped them to change the quality of their lives.

Home Improvement Services came to be out of a desire to provide the standards that I expect to have in my own home.

It came to be out of the passion to provide the opportunity to others to materialise their ideas and to be proud of the quality of work.

It came to be out of the need of people to fix or maintain things around the house that make a difference to their life.


…then it was just word of mouth!


I have been self-employed, full-time handyman for quite some time now after taking up the big decision to quit my full-time job, in search of a meaningful one, worthy of being honoured, one that would allow me to use my hands, to imagine, to create, to help me reconnect with myself.

My immediate childhood environment was surrounded with people in the trade and I took immense pleasure hanging around my uncle’s carpentry workshop or sometimes working with his brothers,

as a painter/ decorator with the one & builder with the other, helping around and learning the trade by observing, appreciating materials and tools, making mistakes, failing and trying again!

this has given me a deep understanding on how materials, volume, shapes & colour can be respectively placed together & aesthetically work in harmony.

The rest of my time, I was occupied with fixing, repairing things or just taking things apart to merely see how they work.

I then moved on to study Interior Design & Decoration followed by Graphic Design and I now use this knowledge to provide my customers with advice and innovative ideas as well as a finished product.

I live in a little but beautiful place with my lovely wife and daughter. 

there aren’t many women in the trade and so I give my daughter opportunities to learn the why’s & how’s through helping me out whenever she can!



I can’t stop her building things now!

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